Father Mohr and the first Silent Night
The story of Silent Night, one of the world’s best known Christmas carols.
The boy who laughed at Santa Claus
In this cautionary tale for children, humorist Ogden Nash tells the shocking story of Jabez Dawes, who loudly proclaimed his disbelief in Santa Claus - until one fateful Christmas Eve…
The man and the birds (Paul Harvey)
Paul Harvey relates his classic story of a man who finds faith at Christmas - with the help of some freezing birds.
The Ragged Stocking
At Christmas time, a miscreant’s love for his child inspires him to stop drinking.
The Road to Bethlehem
How can the sacred heart of God heal all this guilt and grief. Lord, I believe. And yet, this night, help Thou my unbelief!
The Savior’s Christmas gifts
Never did the Savior give in expectation. He was always the giver, seldom the recipient. His gifts were of such a nature that the recipient could hardly exchange or return the value.
The spirit of the season (Thomas S. Monson)
Recently, as I’ve reminisced concerning past Christmases, I’ve realized that probably no other time of the year yields as many poignant memories as does Christmas.
The story of Christmas is a story of love
One of the most beautiful symbols of the birth of Jesus Christ into this world is light. The appearance of the long-promised Messiah brought light to a darkened world.
The wondrous and true story of Christmas (Gordon B. Hinckley)
Gordon B. Hinckley has a memorable story he would like to recount - a parable of sorts. Highly recommended reading.
Thoughts on Christmas (David O. McKay)
The Yule-tide festivity is filled with the spirit of the Christ. At that time more than at any other, we think of others, and try to express either in word or deed our desire to make others happy.
Trouble at the inn
Wally fancied the idea of being a shepherd with a flute in the Christmas pageant that year, but the play’s director, Miss Lumbard, had different ideas.
Christmas - We are home again
Again Christmas, abiding point of return - and we are home again!
Thomas S. Monson quotations
Times change; years speed by; but Christmas continues sacred. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.
The story of Christmas is so much larger…
The story of Christmas is so much larger than the story of His birth in Bethlehem. It is the very core of the plan for the salvation of the God’s children of all generations.
‘Twas the night before Christmas
Clement Clark Moore is credited with creating the modern-day image of both Santa Claus, as well as the importance associated with being home, especially on Christmas Eve.
If there are things you always wanted to know about Wassailing but didn’t know how to ask - this article is for you.
What shall we give?
“Our opportunities to give of ourselves are limitless, but perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved."
Who were the Shepherds?
The shepherds who came to worship the Christ child have been revered and honored by Christians for centuries. However, at the time of Christ, people saw shepherds in a far less positive light.
Winston Churchill spoke on a troubled Christmas Eve
On the eve of America’s entry into World War Two, Winston Churchill addressed the American people by radio from the steps of the White House. His remarks have gone down in history.
Wise Men from the East Sought a Young Jesus
An detailed article about the Wise Men. Beautiful artwork you may not have seen, plus an interesting video depicting the end of the Wise Men’s long journey.