Gentlemen shepherds
For an inspiring new take on the time-honored God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, read the words and watch the performance of this memorable processional number.
A new version of Gloria in Excelsis Deo
This article highlights the excellent and unusual arrangement of Gloria in Excelsis Deo by noted composer and arranger Mack Wilberg.
Villagers visit King George at Christmas
A touching scene in the historical drama The Crown, in which local residents visit the royal estate to greet King George VI with Christmas carols, is described.
Do animals really speak on Christmas Eve?
Legends from the dim past purport that animals, and even bees, for a fleeting magical moment on Christmas Eve, gain the ability to speak or even kneel in remembrance and reverence for the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is a powerful symbol, representing eternal life and God's provision for humanity.
Christmas Prayer
“Let not our hearts be busy inns that have no room for thee, but cradles for the Living Christ and His nativity.”
Christmas in the Heart
A pair of short poems about always having Christmas in one’s heart.
Christmas Everywhere
‘Christmas Everywhere’ by Phillips Brooks is a positive and optimistic poem about the impact of Christmas around the world.
Star In the East
Mack Wilberg’s arrangement, written especially for the 2019 Christmas concert, turned this folk carol into a candle-lit processional for the Tabernacle Choir, which is thrilling to watch and to hear.
Dona Nobis Pacem
The familiar Latin phrase, Dona Nobis Pacem, asks of God that which, perhaps ironically, was invoked by the mouth of angels on the fields outside Bethlehem.
Did singing children hijack a train in Provo Utah?
In this article, singing children commandeer an old-fashioned steam train for a Christmas adventure. Is it the Polar Express? The Heber Creeper?
More lovely than the rose
This article discusses the Rose of Sharon and the part it plays in Christian symbology, followed by a particularly beautiful choral arrangement of Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.
Handel’s beloved oratorio
Handel’s Messiah is now regarded as one of the most glorious expressions of sacred joy in the Christmas repertory, and an enduring Christmas tradition.
For unto us a Child is born
This well-known biblical passage is a messianic prophecy that foretells the coming of a special child who will be much more than an ordinary human ruler.
They still seek Him - a story of modern-day wise men
“By the sweat of their brows, with their hands, men earn bread.. Among them are those that desire to be led.”
Are we among them?
Heaven’s Hallelujah
A Christ-centered version of the Leonard Cohen classic "Hallelujah". Original arrangement by Garth Smith performed here in a new version for choirs. A nicely made music video with some especially fine visuals.
The conquering hero comes
The majestic “See the Conquering Hero Come”, from Handel’s oratorio Judas Maccabeus, is a Christmastime favorite in Europe - and for good reason.
The light of love shone that December
Andre Rieu dedicates to his wife a new song, written to remember their meeting as young music students.
The Wexford Carol
The Wexford Carol is an ancient Irish song recounting the birth of Jesus Christ.