Memories we'll treasure for ever after
This gentle video from the BYU Combined Choirs is based on the Stephen Paulus song, “Wishes and Candles”.
Buddy Learns to Believe
“Spread joy and believe in the magic of Christmas!”, says the producer of this charming short video for every dog lover.
Christmas Canon
"Christmas Canon" intimates the timeless truths and emotions being rediscovered as a young girl journeys through an old attic.
Coventry Carol
The “Coventry Carol” depicts the Massacre of the Innocents, in which Herod ordered all male infants under the age of two in Bethlehem to be killed, and takes the form of a lullaby sung by mothers of the doomed children.
Bishop Monson Provides for German Refugees
A classic story told by President Monson many times in many places over the years.
Wizards in Winter
Wizards in Winter achieved fame when, in 2004, an electrical engineer set up a Christmas light show on the front yard, driveway, windows, and roof of his house. There were 16,000 lights.
Two Babies In a Manger
When we told them about Mary and Joseph finding no room in the inn, going to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and placed in a hay trough, the children and orphanage staff listened with amazement.
The Christmas Quest
Long before the Christian Church was ever heard of, people throughout the world celebrated one great festival that far overshadowed all other social activities in importance. That was the great Year Rite.
Christmas Customs
Christmas as we have it today is a combination of Christian worship and the pagan celebration of the winter solstice on the 21st of December - the shortest day of the year.
Auld Lang Syne
“Auld Lang Syne” is well known in many countries, especially in the English-speaking world, where its traditional use is to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight.
He Understood
Story of a young slave laborer in Nazi-era Poland, and the kind factory manager who took him in at Christmas time. A true story with Utah connections.
The Manger of Bethlehem
A short video introducing Rob Gardner’s musical composition, “The Manger of Bethlehem.”
Away In a Manger
He before whom a few gifts were laid in that lowly manger has spread so many gifts before us, thereby providing an unending Christmas.
Love Divine
Christmastide prompts us to be more tolerant and giving, more generous and genuine, more filled with hope and charity and love. No wonder the spirit of Christmas touches the hearts of people the world over.
The Joy of Giving
It is a glorious thing to have old St. Nicholas in our hearts and in our homes today, whether he enters the latter through the open door or creeps down the chimney on Christmas Eve.
That Holy Thing
George MacDonald’s lines present a contrasting view of the figure that the people are expecting and the figure that arrives.
With Wondering Awe
Only [the wise men] kneeled before the young child, Jesus. They had a star within that enabled them to see the star without. They saw it with the eyes of faith, and it brought them to Jesus.
O Holy Child
Marvin J. Ashton says that Jesus stands before the citadel of our souls, pleading for room in our hearts and our lives.
Faithful Shepherds
Faithful shepherds will always be found at their posts, with Jesus at the center of their lives and hearts because they know and love Him.
True Gifts
There is a difference between presents and gifts. True gifts may be part of ourselves - giving of the riches of the heart - more enduring and of far greater worth than things bought at the store.