Wise Men from the East Sought a Young Jesus
An detailed article about the Wise Men. Beautiful artwork you may not have seen, plus an interesting video depicting the end of the Wise Men’s long journey.
Away In a Manger
He before whom a few gifts were laid in that lowly manger has spread so many gifts before us, thereby providing an unending Christmas.
Love Divine
Christmastide prompts us to be more tolerant and giving, more generous and genuine, more filled with hope and charity and love. No wonder the spirit of Christmas touches the hearts of people the world over.
The Joy of Giving
It is a glorious thing to have old St. Nicholas in our hearts and in our homes today, whether he enters the latter through the open door or creeps down the chimney on Christmas Eve.
That Holy Thing
George MacDonald’s lines present a contrasting view of the figure that the people are expecting and the figure that arrives.
With Wondering Awe
Only [the wise men] kneeled before the young child, Jesus. They had a star within that enabled them to see the star without. They saw it with the eyes of faith, and it brought them to Jesus.
O Holy Child
Marvin J. Ashton says that Jesus stands before the citadel of our souls, pleading for room in our hearts and our lives.
Faithful Shepherds
Faithful shepherds will always be found at their posts, with Jesus at the center of their lives and hearts because they know and love Him.
True Gifts
There is a difference between presents and gifts. True gifts may be part of ourselves - giving of the riches of the heart - more enduring and of far greater worth than things bought at the store.
The Reason for the Season
We can keep Christ in Christmas by giving to others some of what He has given to us, such as forgiveness, kindness, charity, and love. The most precious gift is the gift of ourselves.