“Christmas is such a wonderful time. No doubt it is all Christendom’s favorite season. Child and adult alike look forward to this time, a time when our best self shines through. What makes it so special? Certainly it is our love for family and friends. But at the heart of it all is remembering the birth of the Savior”
— James E. Faust
“At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Savior, but the real story of Christmas also includes his life, death, and resurrection. He was born to give his life for us, to give us immortality and the opportunity for eternal life. As we think about and teach our families about Christmas, let us teach them the full story — from Bethlehem to Calvary and the Garden Tomb. Let us help them form their Christmas traditions, centered on Christ and filled with gratitude for what he did for us and we can do for him in return.”