Here is the truth in a little creed
A brief expression of his faith, from American poet Edwin Markham.
Being stuck in the airport - somewhere over the rainbow
A bit of musical fun to warm up some stranded travelers.
A vocal performance that touches the mystic chords of the heart
This unique interpretation of “What Child Is This” and “I Wonder While I Wander” is one of the moving Christmas performances I have heard.
Ring Out, Wild Bells
In these verses, Alfred Lord Tennyson yearns for a happier, nobler, more just and more charitable year, in which men turn from their evils and prepare for Christ’s thousand-year reign.
When ‘Peace On Earth’ interrupted a war
Paul Harvey relates the strange story of Johannes Niemann and his compatriots.
Love Came Down at Christmas
Christina Rossetti reflects upon the love of God in sending the world his Only Son.
A tree for Vicky
Paul Harvey tells the story of a young couple in a ‘mixed marriage’ who made a foreign Christmas tradition their own.
Christmas Eve around the world
This article from Wikipedia provides an exhaustive - and fascinating - description of Christmas Eve as it is observed around the world.
Christmas Eve, 1893
Poetess Christina Rossetti invites nature to join her in rejoicing that Christ has come.
A Small, Snow-Covered Tree
Anonymous acts of kindness lead one family to see other people in a new way, a brother tells us in this touching story.
And now we only wait
By changing just one word, the carol “Joy to the World” becomes a millennial anthem.
A Gift of Christmas
A classic Thomas S. Monson story of Christmas kindness, set in the Depression-era farm country of Alberta.
A Christmas Canon
This unusual number from the rock opera, “The Christmas Attic”, alludes to the innocence and purity associated with the childhood wonder at Christmas season.
Do You Hear What I Hear?
“Do You Hear What I Hear” has the distinction of being probably the only Christmas song that was written in response to one of the most frightening crises in our nation’s history.
Feliz Navidad
“Feliz Navidad” is one of the top 25 most played and recorded Christmas songs in the world.
George Albert Smith and the Christmas Spirit
Amusing and touching remembrances of George Albert Smith are shared by his daughter.
Can we see the Christ in Christmas?
Many could not see Him, though He walked among them in plain sight. Who did see him, asks Dieter F. Uchtdorf in this outstanding Christmas talk. And can we see the Christ?
The Birth of the Messiah
An outstanding article by Paul Thomas Smith, carefully delineating the events surrounding the nativity of the Christ. A substantial article and well worth the time to read it.