I Wonder While I Wander
A girl had stepped out to the edge of the little platform... Her clothes were unbelievable dirty and ragged, and she was unwashed. But she was beautiful, and in her untutored way, she could sing…
Christmas At Sea
The ship was saved; but all that I could think of, in the darkness and the cold, was just that I was leaving home and my folks were growing old.
A Christmas Miracle
Winter is a cold time of year in the Russia Moscow Mission. To a missionary this sometimes seems true of not only the weather but also the people…
Brightly Burns the Christmas Candle
This song, a favorite of mine from back in the 90’s, was originally composed by Merrill Jenson as a home teaching message.
Wise men who follow Him each day of their lives
Hilary Weeks sings a gentle song of Christmas in this delightful music video.
‘Christmas Time Is Here’: A Hymn for the Ages
It’s hard to imagine what it must have been like hearing this song for the very first time in 1965, steeped in nostalgia from the opening note.
The Silent Stars Go By
O Little Child of Bethlehem,
Why do your young eyes grieve?
What do your outstretched arms implore
Of us this Christmas Eve?